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The works of Allan Ramsay

edited by Burns Martin ... and John W. Oliver [... and Alexander M. Kinghorn ... and Alexander Law]

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AN EPISTLE To Lieutenant Hamilton

On the receiving the Compliment of a Barrel of Loch-Fine Herrings from him.

Your Herrings, Sir, came hale and feer,
In healsome Brine a' soumin,
Fu' fat they are and gusty Gear,
As e'er I laid my Thumb on:
Bra sappy Fish
As an cou'd wish
To clap on Fadge or Scon;
They relish fine
Good Claret Wine,
That gars our Cares stand yon.
Right mony Gabs wi' them shall gang
About Auld Reeky's Ingle,
When kedgy Carles think nae lang,
Where Stoups and Trunchers gingle;
Then my Friend leal,
We toss ye'r Heal,
And with bald Brag advance,
What's hoorded in
Lochs Broom and Fine
Might ding the Stocks of France.


A jelly Sum to carry on
A Fishery's design'd,
Twa Million good of Sterling Pounds,
By Men of Money's sign'd.
Had ye but seen
How unco' keen
And thrang they were about it,
That we are bald
Right rich and ald-
Farran ye ne'r wad doubted.
Now, now I hope we'll ding the Dutch,
As fine as a round Robin,
Gin Greediness to grow soon rich
Invites not to Stock-jobbing:
That poor boss Shade
Of sinking Trade,
And Weather-Glass Politick,
Which heaves and sets,
As Publick gets
A Heezy, or a wee Kick.
Fy, fy! But yet I hope 'tis daft
To fear that Trick come hither,
Na, we're aboon that dirty Craft
Of biting an anither.
The Subject rich
Will gi' a Hitch
T'increase the publick Gear,
When on our Seas,
Like bisy Bees,
Ten thousand Fishers steer.


Could we catch the united Shoals
That crowd the Western Ocean,
The India's wad prove hungry Holes,
Compar'd to this our Goshen:
Then let's to wark
With Net and Bark,
Them fish and faithfu' cure up;
Gin sae we join,
We'll cleek in Coin
Frae a' the Ports of Europe.
Thanks t'ye Captain for this Swatch
Of our Store, and your Favour;
Gin I be spar'd, your Love to match
Shall still be my Endeavour.
Next unto you,
My Service due
Please gi'e to Matthew Cumin,
Wha with fair Heart
Has play'd his Part,
And sent them true and trim in.

Whole, without the least Fault or Want.

Two Lochs on the Western Seas, where Plenty of Herrings are tane.

The Royal Fishery; Success to which is the Wish and Hope of every good Man.

Merchant in Glasgow, and one of the late Magistrates of that City.