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Now I've struck straight with neighbour Bob,
And more of the infernal mob,
No longer with them I'll contend,
But leave them all for the devil to mend,


Though that busy insulting fiend,
Satan's agent, shall not be screened,
Who maliciously,
And most viciously,
Seeks our ruin, we must each allow:
Let all men living
Join in thanksgiving,
He's out of commission, boys, now, now, now.
Last Easter, from Norfolk street Arms,
In King-street, Sheffield, strange alarms
Were circulated through this town,
When pulling this proud monster down,
There were present some trusty friends,
Whom we never can make amends,
Whose fidelity
Brought tranquillity
To this suffering town I vow,
Let all men living
Join in thanksgiving,
He's out of commission, boys, now, now, now.
This owl, or agent of old Nick's,
For divers base and subtle tricks,
Was undertook to be cashier'd:
And thanks be prais'd, the point was clear'd,
The powers of darkness did contend,
And plead for their infernal friend,
But morality
This black quality
Quite defeated, they best know how:


Let all men living
Join in thanksgiving,
He's out of commission, boys, now, now, now.
Thus from a vast exalted height
He is brought down in a woful plight;
Instead of hunting Linnen's stag,
He may procure himself a bag,
No longer must the wretch intrude,
His claws are cut his power subdued,
And calamity,
Want, and extremity
Stamped upon his infernal brow,
Let all men living
Join in thanksgiving,
He's out of commission, boys, now, now. now,