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Now the star of day descends,
Now the din of nature ends—
Visions! hear our Elfin cries,
Phantoms! airy spectres, rise!
Well ye know to us belongs
Power to rule your mingled throngs!
Go! with bloody garlands crown'd,
Glide the murderer's couch around;
Near the base seducer lie,
Wildly shriek, and sadly sigh:
Or in sable robes array'd,
Flit before the faithless maid!
If the lover's eyelid close,
Soothe with slumber soft his woes;
Lull the restless swain's alarms,
Lead the virgin to his arms,


Pour the nectar-streaming kiss,
Bathe his ravish'd soul in bliss!
Shadowy forms, our call obey!
Wander where we point the way—
Soon, too soon, unwelcome light
Melts the parting shades of night;
Then must we our sports forbear,
Then with you dissolve in air!