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The Canons of Criticism and Glossary

Being A Supplement to Mr. Warburton's Edition of Shakespear ... The Sixth Edition, with Additions [with] The Trial of the Letter y, alias Y, and Sonnets [by Thomas Edwards]

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To Mr. Nathanael Mason.
Nephew, who soon design'st to pass the Sea,
To fix the basis of a useful trade;
With prosperous fortune be thy voyage made,
And safe return to home—if not to me;
Let these few precepts thy instructers be,
In distant climes thy friendless youth to aid;
Though interest, fashion, secresy persuade,
Yet keep thy morals pure, and conscience free:
In change of Countries God's all-seeing eye
Is every where the same, Virtue and Vice
Change not their nature; therefore be thou ware,
Shun follies haunts, and vicious company,
Least from true goodness they thy steps entice,
And Pleasure coil thee in her dangerous snare.