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Sir Tho. Armstrong's Ghost.

The groans, dear Armstrong, which the world employ,
Would please thy Ghost, to see transform'd to joy:
Had'st thou abroad found safety in thy flight,
Thy immortal honour had not shin'd so bright;
Thou still hadst been a worthy Patriot thought;
But now thy glory's to perfection brought.
In Exile and in Death to England true,
What more could Brutus or just Cato do?
What can the Villains spread to blast thy fame,
Unless thy former Loyalty they blame?
To be concern'd the Stuarts to restore,
Is a reproach that hardly can be bore.
The utmost Plague a Nation could befall,
Like the forbidden Fruit, it curst us all.
Yet thou in season a brave convert grew,
Abhorr'd their counsels and their int'rest too:
And death at last before their smiles preferr'd;
So holy Cranmer burnt the hand that err'd.
Let 'em now place thy Quarters in the Air,
'Twill please thy soul to think they flourish there:
Thou scorn'st to hope for freedom in the Grave;
And slombring lie, whilst England was a Slave:
Thy Carcass stands a Monument to all,
Till the whole Progeny a Victim fall;
And like their Father, tread that Stage, which some,
In a blasphemous strain, call Martyrdom;
For they in guilt transcendently excell,
All that e'er Poets or Historians tell
To act fresh Murders, and by Flames devour,
Is but the recreation of their power:
For they alone are for destruction chose,
Who either Rome or Tyranny oppose:


Tarquin and Nero were but Types of these,
In whom all crimes are in their last degrees.
Swelling like Nile in a prodigious Flood
Of execrable Villanies and Blood:
Yet how the age their Lives and Peace betray,
And those whom th'ought to sacrifice th'obey.
They lick up Poyson and to Tortures run,
And madly hug all Egypt's Plagues in one.
Degenerous Slaves! such Monsters to adore,
Was ever Sodom so carest before?
Quick vengeance put a period to their breath,
By their destruction ease the groaning earth:
For Mortals attempt the righteous work in vain;
Heaven it self does th'immediate glory claim,
For they're reserv'd by Thunder to be slain.