University of Virginia Library



Pastym with godlie company,
Now in this warld is best for me;
Sen that I am of sua great aige,
All displeasour for to aswadge,
Guide is to luike on Godis buik,
Quhair may be fund,
The perfectioune of religioune,
Of faith the ground.
All pleasour vaine I will refuis,
For my pastym the bybill use;
Thocht I be auld and may not sie,
I sall it gar be read to me;
Quhair I sall leir quhair to forbear,
All wickedness,
Vyce to refuis, vertew to use,
With godlieness.
To reid or heir the holie wreit,
Trew knowledge sall I get in it,
How I sall haive me at all houris,
Baith to my God and nichtbouris;
Instructand me sa patientlie,
My trubill beir;


Syn to repent with trew intent
Quhill I am heir.
Sen in this earth I find no rest,
Rejoice in God I think it best,
Quha in this lyf gaive me his grace;
Syn bring me to that resting place,
Quhair joy and gloir ar evirmoir,
Peace and concord;
To that ilk joy do me convoy
Jesus our Lord.