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The louer confesseth him in loue with Phillis.

If waker care: if sodayn pale colour:
If many sighes, with litle speach to plaine:
Now ioye, now wo: if they my chere distayne:
For hope of small, if much to fear therfore,
To haste, or slack: my pace to lesse, or more:
Be signe of loue: then do I loue agayne.
If thou aske whom: sure sins I did refrayne
Brunet, that set my welth in such a rore,
Thunfayned chere of Phillis hath the place,
That Brunet had: she hath, and euer shall:
She from my self now hath me in her grace:
She hath in hand my wit, my will, and all:
My hart alone welworthy she doth stay,
Without whose helpe skant do I liue a day.