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The Lay Folks' Catechism, or the English and Latin versions of Archbishop Thoresby's Instruction for the People

Together with a Wycliffite adaptation of the same, and the corresponding canons of the council of Lambeth. With introduction, notes, glossary, and index, by the late Thomas Frederick Simmons ... and Henry Edward Nolloth

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Septem opera corporalia misericordie

The ferthe thyng of þe sex to know god almyȝthi
is. þat vs be-houys to knowe
þe seuen dedys of mercy bodyly and gostly.
and to fulfylle hem in al þat we may.
and do hem to our euyn-cristen vp-on peyne of dampnacioun.
For god schal reherce hem to vs at þe day of dom.
and se how we haue don ham to our euyn-cristyn.
as seynt Mathew seyþ in þe gospel./
Of þe whiche þe fyrst ys to fede hem þat be hu[n]gry.
That oþer is. to ȝeue hem drynke þat be þursty.
The þridde for to cloþe hem. þat ben cloþles.
The ferthe is. to herberwȝe pore men. þat ben herberwȝles.
The fyfte to conforte and helpe men in prisoun.
The sexte is to visite and conforte hem þat be seke.
The seuent is. to bery hem þat have nede.
Al maner of men ben holdyn be godys lawe
to do þese seuyn bodyly werkys of mercy.
vp-on here power. and who-euer do þese werkys of mercy trewly
be his power ; he schal haue þe blysse of heuyn
as crist sayþ in þe gospel. and schewis opunly.


Therfore sayþ Crist whan þou makyst a feste or a soper
calle noon to þe ryche men.
but pore men. Febyl. Crokyd. and blynde.
And hit schal qwyt to þe in þy laste day.
And also be þe prophete ysaye god seyes.
Breke þy bred to þe hungry and bryng in-to þyn hows nedy men.
and þo þat haue noon hous of here owne.
whan þou seist a nakyd man hele hym:
and dispise not þy broþer.
lord how cursyd be þe ypocritys. þat be fals ypocrisy.
ravischyn ryche mennys almes fro pore nedy men.
where god byddis almes be don ; and drawys yt to hem self to make nedles howsys.
and grete festys to ryche men. and oþir vanitees.
Hit semyþ þe fend bryngis yn suche ypocritys to disseyue þe ryche men
of here almes. and of feyth. and of cristis gospel.
For in almes wel don ; stondys moche remissioun of synnys.
þerfore þe fend castys be sotel ypocrisy ; to fordo þys almes.