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0 occurrences of drunkard and westminster
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0 occurrences of drunkard and westminster
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[One Mapleton, at Reding late did dwell]

One Mapleton, at Reding late did dwell:
Because his flesh did 'gainst his minde rebell,
He cut it off so close unto the stumpe,
That he scarce left himselfe a pissing pump;
And hee's one of those wise men, and 'twere good
That all the Tribe of his sweet Brotherhood


Would follow his example on themselves,
Then they would not beget more froward Elves:
Then peace and rest our Church and State should gain;
All windmills, and vagaries of the brain
Would from unquiet England banish'd be,
And from disturbance we should soon be free.
These, with the rest (unknowne) may be compar'd,
Whose love to learning I have plain declar'd.
To wofull passe our Church were quickly brought:
If these companions had but what they sought,
From Rome, from them, from all that wrong us thus
Good Lord of Heaven and Earth deliver US.