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Divine Fancies

Digested into Epigrammes, Meditations, and Observations. By Fra: Quarles

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38. On Ioseph's Speech to his Brethren.
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38. On Ioseph's Speech to his Brethren.

Goe, fetch your Brother (said th'Egyptian Lord)
If you intend our Garniers shall afford
Your craving wants their so desir'd supplies;
If He come not, by Pharoes life, y'are Spies:
Ev'n as your Suits expect to find our Grace,
Bring him; or dare not to behold my face:
Some little food, to serve you on the way,
We here allow, but not to feed delay;
When you present your Brother to our Hand,
Ye shall have plenty, and possesse the Land;
Away; and let your quicke obedience give
The earnest of your Faiths; Do this and live:
If not; your wilfull wants must want supply,
For ye are Spies, and ye shall surely dye:
Great God, th'Egyptian Lord resembles Thee;
The Brother's Iesus; and the Suitors Wee.