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Argalvs and Parthenia

Written by Fra: Quarles

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The Fountaine was vpon a steepe descent,
Whose gliding current nature gaue a vent
Through a firme rock; which Art (to make it known
To after ages) wall'd, and roof'd with stone;
Aboue the Christall fountaines head, was plac'd
Diana's Image (though of late defac'd:)
Beneath, a rocky Cysterne did retaine
The water, sliding through the Cocks of Cane;
Whose curious Current, the worlds greater eye
Ne're viewed, but in his mid-day Majestie:
It was that Fountaine; where, in elder times
Poore Corydon compos'd his rurall rimes,
And left them closely hid, for his vnkinde
And marble hearted Phyllida to finde.
All rites perform'd, he re-amounts his Steed,
Redeemes his losse of time with a new speed:
And with a fresh supply, his strength renewes
His progresse, God knowes whither; He pursues
His vow'd aduenture, brooking no delay,
And (with a minde as doubtfull as the way)
He iournies on; he left no course, vnthought;
No traueller, vnask'd; no place, vnsought.