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Schola Cordis or the Heart of it Selfe, gone away from God

brought back againe to him & instructed by him in 47 Emblems [by Christopher Harvey]

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The enlarging of the Heart.

I will runne the way of thy Commandements, when thou shalt enlarge my heart. Psal. 119. 32.

Epigr. 35.

How pleasant is that now, which heretofore
Mine heart held bitter, sacred learnings lore?
Enlarged hearts enter with greatest case
The straitest paths, and runne the narrowest wayes.

Ode. 35.


What a blessed change I find,
Since I intertain'd this guest!
Now me thinks another mind
Moves and rules within my brest.
Surely I am not the same,
That I was before he came,
But I then was much too blame.


When before my God commanded
Any thing he would have done,
I was close, and gripple handed,
Made an end ere I begunne.
If he thought it fit to lay
Judgements on me, I could say
They are good, but shrinke away.


All the wayes of righteousnesse


I did think were full of trouble,
I complain'd of tediousnesse,
And each duty seemed double.
Whilst I serv'd him but of feare,
Ev'ry minute did appeare
Longer farre then a whole yeare.


Strictnesse in Religion seemed
Like a pined pinion'd thing:
Bolts, and fetters I esteemed
More beseeming for a King,
Then for me to bow my neck,
And be at anothers beck,
When I felt my conscience check.


But the case is alter'd now:
He no sooner turnes his eye,
But I quickly bend, and bow,
Ready at his feet to lie:
Love hath taught me to obey
All his precepts, and to say,
Not to morrow, but to day.


What he wills I say I must:
What I must I say I will:
He commanding, it is just
What he would I should fulfill.
Whilst he biddeth I beleeve
What he calls for he will give.
To obey him is to live.


His Command'ments grievous are not
Longer then men think them so:


Though he send me forth I care not,
Whilst he gives me strength to goe.
When, or whither, all is one,
On his bus'nesse, not mine owne,
I shall never goe alone.


If I be compleat in him,
And in him all fulnesse dwelleth.
I am sure aloft to swim,
Whilst that Ocean overswelleth,
Having him that's All in All,
I am confident I shall
Nothing want, for which I call.