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42. [Vpone a Gentlewoman That painted]
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42. [Vpone a Gentlewoman That painted]

Pamphilia hath a number of good parts
Which Commendation to her worth imparts,
But amongst all, in one she doth excell,
That she can paint incomparablie well,
And yet soe Modest, that if prais'd for this,
She'll sweare she does not know what painting is,
But straight will blush with such a portred grace
That one would thinke Vermillion dyed her face.
One of her pictures I have oft tymes seene
And would have sworne that it her selfe had beene,
But when I bid her it on mee bestow,
I sweare I heard the Pictur's selfe say noe.
What thinke you this a Prodigie? Its none,
The painter and the picture were both one.