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The Psalmes of David Translated Into Lyrick-Verse

according to the scope, of the Original. And Illustrated, with a Short Argument, and a breife Prayer, or Meditation; before, & after, every Psalme. By George Wither

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Psa. 37.

Psa. 37.


A Psalm of David. It proposeth many counsells, & experimental Arguments, to move vs, not to be offended at the Prosperitie of world-lings, & to persuade a patient perseverance in well-doeng &c. It is vsefull, to keep vs contented with our estates, & hopefull in all temptations, & afflictions &c.

At Sinners, take thou no offence,
Nor vex thy self, at such as they:
For, they shall soone be swept from hence,


And, like the grasse consume a way.
Beleeve in God, & live vpright;
So, where thou dwell'st, thou shalt be fedd:
And, if in him, thou take delight,
Of all thy hopes, thou shalt be spedd.
Commit thou, to the Lord, thy way;
Trust him, & all shall well be done:
Thy Iustice shall out-shine the day,
Thy judgment, passe the sunn at noone.
Delight in God, his leasure bide;
And, fret thou not that others thrive;
But, thy displeasure lay aside;
Lest, thou offence, by vexing give.
Expect awhile, & thou shalt see
The wicked fall; & men vpright
Possessors of the land to be,
When Sinners dwellings vanish quite.
For, meek-men shall possesse the land,
And, peace enioy (at full) therein;
Though wicked men, do them withstand,
Conspire, & gnash their teeth, & grinn.
God, sees & mocks the Sinners end.
His Blade, in vaine he drawes to smite,
He shall his Bowe as vainely bend,
To slay the pore, & men vpright.
His Blade, ev'n his owne hart shall gore;
His bowe shall breake; and, that small share
The Right'ous hath, shall profit more
Then all their heaps, that wicked are.
It shall be soe, because, the Lord
(Who breaks their arme, that are vniust)
To Godlie-men, will healps afford,
Which never shall deceive their trust.
Knowne to the Lord, are all their waies;


Their heritage will alwaies last.
They shall not feare in ev'll-daies:
Nor emptie be, when others Fast.
Lewd men (& they who parte have tooke
Against the Lord) shall, then, become
Like fatt of Lambes, or like the smoke,
Which melts, or quite away doth fume.
Much, borrowe those; but, never pay.
The Righteous lends, & mercie shewes.
Where he doth blesse, right blest are they;
Where he doth curse, a curse ensues.
No course he takes, but God will guide
His feet; & in his waye delight:
He falls not quite, although he slide;
Because, God holds him, still, vpright.
Olde-age & youth, I now have seene,
Yet, saw no Iust-man, or his seed,
Forlorne or begg: For, they have beene
So kinde; that they finde healp, at need.
Proceed thou in this way, therfore,
Depart from Sinn, tread virtues path;
That thou maist live for ever more:
For, God, in Iudgment, pleasure hath,
Quite, roots he out the Sinners race;
But, still, his saints preserved are.
The Land, they fully shall possesse;
And, safelie dwell, for ever, there.
Right fitt; for, they discreetly talke,
The Lawe of God, they ponder, still,
And in their waies, directly walke;
Though Sinners wait, their life to spill.
Still, therfor, God will them defend,
And, clear them, when araign'd they be.
If thou, likewise, on him attend,


God, in the Land, will prosper thee.
The Sinners fall, thine eye shall veiwe:
For, I have seene them, like the Bay,
Spread wide, and make a goodlie shewe
Then, suddenly consume away.
Veiwe thou the Iust; Observe them all;
For, peace their later daies attends:
But, wicked men togither fall;
And, mischeef brings them to their ends.
Which comes to passe, because the Iust,
The Lord (at need) their helper have:
For they in him do put their trust,
And, them from Sinners, he doth & save.