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Poems On several Choice and Various Subjects

Occasionally Composed By An Eminent Author. Collected and Published by Sergeant-Major P. F. [i.e. James Howell]

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A Gradual Hymn of a double cadence, tending to the Honour of the Holy Name of God.


Let the vast Universe,
And therein evry thing
The mighty Acts rehearse
Of their immortal King,
His Name extol,
What to Nadir,
From Zenith stir,
'Twixt Pole and Pole.



Ye Elements that move,
And alter evry hour,
Yet herein constant prove,
And symbolize all four:
His praise to tell,
Mix all in one,
For Air and Tone,
To sound this Peal.


Earth, which the Centre art,
And onely standest still,
Yet move, and bear thy part,
Resound with Ecchoes shrill.
Thy Mines of Gold,
With Precious Stones,
And Unions,
His fame uphold.


Let all thy fragrant Flowers
Grow sweeter by this Air;
Thy tallest Trees and Bowers
Bud forth and blossom fair:
Beasts wild and tame,
Whom Lodgings yeild,
House, Dens or Field,
Collaud his Name.



Ye Seas with Earth that make
One Globe flow high, and swell,
Exalt your Makers Name,
In Deep his Wonders tell:
And what doth swim
Neer Bank or Brim,
His Glory scan.


Ye Airy Regions all,
Joyn in a sweet concent,
Blow such a Madrigal
May reach the Firmament:
Winds, Hail, Ice, Snow,
And perly Drops
That hang on Crops,
His Wonders show.


Pure Element of Fire,
With holy sparks inflame
This Sublunary Quire,
That all one Consort frame.
Their spirits raise
To Trumpet forth
Their Makers worth,
And sound his praise.



Ye glorious Lamps that roul
In your Cœlestial Sphears,
All under his controul,
Who you on Poles up-bears;
Him magnifie,
Ye Planets bright,
And fixed Lights
That deck the Skie.


O Heav'n Chrystalline,
Which by the Watry hue
Dost temper and refine
The rest in Azur'd Blue:
His Glory sound,
Thou first Mobeel,
Which mak'st all wheel
In circle round.


Ye Glorious Souls who raign
In sempiternal Joy,
Free from that flesh and pain,
Which here did you annoy,
And him behold,
In whom all Bliss
Concentred is;
His laud unfold.



Bless'd Maid which dost surmount
All Saints and Seraphims,
And raign'st as Paramount,
And chief of Cherubims;
Chaunt out his praise,
Who in thy Womb
Nine moneths took room,
Though crown'd with rays.


Oh let my Soul and Heart,
My Mind and Memory
Bear in this Hymn a part,
And joyn with Earth and Sky.
Let evry VVight,
The whole world ore,
Laud and adore
The Lord of Light.