University of Virginia Library

Omne quod est in mundo aut est concupiscentia carnis aut concupiscentia oculorum, aut superbia vite.

Couytous of flesshe, that is seynge
That parteyneth to a mannes lust or lykynge
Couytous of eyen, as euery man may gesse
Is ryches that cōmeth to a man with blysse
And pryde of lyfe, that men kepeth in thought
And euer desyreth, to great honour to be brought
And lyckynge and lust, of flesshely maiestye
Engendreth the foule synne of lecherye
But God made the worlde, as he is wytnes
For to serue man, in all maner of goodnes
Wherfore is man seruaunt to the worlde than
And make hym the worldes bonde man
Syth he may serue God, and euer be fre
And out of the worldes thraldom be
But wolde a man knowe ryght as he shulde
What the worlde is, and her falsenes beholde
He shulde haue no wyll, as I vnderstande
After the worlde any thynge to fonde
Lo what sayth Bartholomewe, the great clarke
That speaketh of the worlde, and of her warke.