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Eglogs, Epytaphes, and Sonettes

Newly written by Barnabe Googe

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Of the vnfortunate choyse of his Ualentyne.

Of the vnfortunate choyse of his Ualentyne.

The Paynes that all the Furyes fell
can cast frō Lymbo lake,
Eche Torment of those Hellish brains
wher crawleth mani a snake,
Eche mischiefe that therrin doth lye
eche smart that may be founde,

Flye frō those feendish clawes a whyle
with flames breake vp the grounde,
Lyght here vpon this cursed hand,
make here your dwellyng place,
And plague the part, yt durst presume
his Mayster to disgrace.
Whiche thrust amongst a nombre of:
so many princely names,
And wher thy Maistres had her place
amongst the chiefest Dames,
Durste thus presume to leue her there
and drawe a straunger wyght,
And by thyne owne vnhappy draught
torment my pauled Spryght.