University of Virginia Library


The world it is wide, and the world it is cold,
And dear to the worldling are silver and gold,
But dearer by far is my Mary to me,
My Mary, mavournin, acushla ma cree!
The city may boast of its mansions so fair,
I care not, tho' beauty in splendor is there;
In a lone, quiet nook a brown cottage I see,—
There's Mary, mavournin, acushla ma cree!


Bright gems, such as sparkle in royalty's crown,
May deck with their lustre the belles of the town.
But the light of thine eye is a jewel to me,
My Mary, mavournin, acushla ma cree!
Abroad have I roved like a bird from its nest,
And viewed Nature's charms from the east to the west,
But her charms—dearest charms—sweetly centre for me
In Mary, mavournin, acushla ma cree!

Mary, darling, blood of my heart.