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What shall we do this fine morning?
Shall we play hide-and-seek?
Shall we blow bubbles together?
Shall we go hunting for bird-nests?
Lily, why don't you speak?


Hide-and-seek, Johnny, is stupid;
So, I think, bubbles are;
Then as for bird-nests, it 's wicked;
To touch them if even one finds them;—
Besides, they are up so far.


Goodness! how lazy you 're getting.
Laziness, Lill, is a sin.
Come, don't sit here in the orchard;
Let 's run a race to the mill-pond;
I shall try hard not to win.



Will you, indeed? How absurd, sir!
Girls don't run races, you know;
People will call me a hoyden;
Not that I greatly should mind it,
Only 't will grieve Mamma so!


Just as you please, miss. However,
What shall we do for our fun?
Why are you smiling so queerly?
Tell me now, Lill, what your thoughts are;
I'll give a penny for one.


Strangely enough, it has struck me
That at some time in our life
Both you and I shall get married:
Let 's try the feeling beforehand;
Johnny, let 's play Man and Wife!