University of Virginia Library



First Voice.
How sad that when a few years vanish, I
Shall surely die!
All that the unfinished world may grandly be,
I must not see.
Rich harmonies from discord streaming clear,
I shall not hear.
Equality's last fine triumphant throe
I shall not know.
Stupendous deeds by science shall be wrought
When I am naught!
The last expiring hate's last bitter hiss
My soul shall miss.
Love's golden universality august
Shall find me dust.
Oh, anguish, that when these few years are fled
I shall be dead!


Second Voice.
How sad that death, when I so long to die,
Should pass me by!
Life on my heart like a great fetter weighs,
Whose links are days.
Equality? Shout it to the starving mobs
Monopoly robs!
The glory of science? Do we praise, indeed,
Cripples for speed?
When all believe she has perished, crafty hate
Will hibernate.
Love's final reign? Salute her, loyal sons,
With needle-guns! ...
I too have thrilled while shadowing mists were drawn
From deeps of dawn!
I too have talked with stars, entranced, inspired ...
To-night I am tired! ...