University of Virginia Library



I saw the tide of Christmas
Within the darkness rise:
It flow'd in the hearts of the children,
And leap'd in their loving eyes.
The windows breathed the splendor
Of the joyous day at hand;
In the rainy streets of the city
Shone visions of Fairy-Land.
There were ships and cars and houses,
Built marvelously well;
Fruits from the Tropics of Fancy,
And flowers of Miracle!
There were picture-books of enchantment
Gems from the wonder-mines;
The ark with the world's old family,
And myriad new designs.


There were birds and beasts unnumber'd,
Unnamed by me, I am sure;
And, wearing many costumes,
The world in miniature.
“Many a Tree of Christmas
Is loaded with joy to-night;
Many a bough shall blossom,
Enchanted, at morning light!”
I said, and thought of the children,
In many a dancing home,
For the Angel of Christmas waiting
And longing for him to come.
“They press their joyous faces
Against the darken'd pane,
And the lighted world behind them
They see without in the rain!”
I said, and thought of the children,
Abroad in the street at night,
Who know no Angel of Christmas
By gifts at morning light:


“They press their saddened faces
Against the lighted pane
And the darken'd world behind them
They feel, without in the rain!”