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Lines in Pleasant Places

Rhythmics of many moods and quantities. Wise and otherwise

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The tranquil stars shone on the plain
Where “shepherds watched their flocks by night,’
When broke from heaven that wondrous strain,
And flashed abroad that wondrous light,
Filling their humble souls with fright:
“Peace, peace on earth! To men good will!”
So rang the strain, and angels bright
Sounded God's glory, that did thrill
With glad accord of sound and sight.—
“Good tidings of great joy we bring,
For Christ the Lord is born to-day!
He is your Saviour, and your King!”
Then vanished into heaven away
The angelic host, and darkness lay
On the calm hills and streams around,
While, dazed with the sublime display,
The shepherds bowed in awe profound.
Not to the magi first it came;
The shepherds caught the earliest word,
And in the flood of song and flame
Beheld the glory of the Lord!—


The learned and grand their tribute showered,
But first received, the poor man's gift
Of worship, that unstinted poured
From hearts with joyousness uplift.
The angel message rings the earth,
The good news to its triumph speeds;
New truths of “good to men” have birth,
Response to prayer of human needs.
Though Truth be poor, and pines and bleeds,
Its saving mission will not die;
It springs again, and yet succeeds,
To work in good its ministry.
The same grand message from the sky,
The same old glory greets the ken;
All “glory be to God on high,
And peace on earth, good will to men!”
The truth, in Christ, renews again,
With every effort man to bless,
And His embodiment is plain
In all enacted righteousness.
E'en now, as then, the humble mind
Sees the first coming from afar;
The magi seek the babe to find
And follow his directing star;
And Herods of the race still are,
Who tremble at the growth of Truth,
And wickedly its course would bar
By killing it in early youth.


Christ's truth shall grow to strive and bless,
Till all the world its worth shall know,
And every tongue its power confess,
And earth redeemed its triumphs show;
Then once again the strain shall flow
That tells of peace through victory won,
And every human heart shall glow
With joy in Mary's holy Son.
Thank God for Christmas!—'tis a boon—
A precious stopping-place in time;
The heart, with peace and love attune,
Glads with the note of Christmas chime.
In every land, in every clime,
This day all discord under ban,
Is heard the symphony sublime—
Of “peace on earth, good will to man!”