University of Virginia Library



Students interested in Scuba
instruction please meet in Rm. 28
Memorial Gym, either Wed. or Fri.
6:45-10:00 p.m. Bring swimsuit
and towel.

FYC Food Services Committee
Meeting: 7:30 p.m. Bonnycastle

Anthropology Assocation meeting;
Films – "Kalageros", and "Legend
of the Raven", 7 p.m. 323 Cabell

FVC Food Services Committee,
Meeting: Wednesday, Feb. 14, 7:30
p.m. Bonnycastle Lounge.

Synchronized Swimming Club –
Important meeting: Wed. Feb. 21
5:00 p.m. Room 22, Mem. Gym,
Any interested students should

Peter Lorre as homicidal
psychopath in Fritz Lang's classic,
"M" 7:30 p.m. Gilmer Auditorium.

Anthropology Association –
Meeting Wed., 7 p.m., 323 Cabell
Hall; two films: "Kalogeros" and
Legend of the Raven";


Meeting: Student Chapter ACLU
Conference room, Newcomb Hall
7:30 p.m. Feb. 22.

French Club Slide show The Alps.
8:30 p.m. Newcomb Hall, room
4A. All are invited.

U.Va. Riding Club meeting
Thursday 7 p.m. Room 4A
Newcomb Hall. All welcome!

Association of Residential Councils
meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the
Informal Lounge of Newcomb Hall.

Human Relations Committee
meeting Thur. 6 p.m. in 4A
Newcomb. Everyone welcome.

International Club Social Hour; 5
p.m., International Center, 21
University Circle Everyone's

All Speech Majors: meeting
Thursday to discuss senior thesis
and required courses at 1 Dawson's


Informal discussion groups on
Women in Literature and on
feminist writings. Call Susan
296-4701 or Carolee 295-2698.

Air Force Officer selection team to
be in Newcomb Hall, second floor,
22 Feb. 1973, Between 10 a.m. and
3 p.m.

Hillel Foundation: Friday,
February 23, 6 p.m. Dell-Dinner
phone 295-4963 for reservations.
7:30 p.m. –"What is Happening In
Islam Today"; Speaker: Frederick
Denny (Religion Dept).