University of Virginia Library


Eil anana meeting, Thursday night
at 9:00. SA house. Bring
checkbooks. All those interested in
working in the Student Council
Office come to Student Council
Office Thurs. 2:00.

International Club social hour.
Thursdays 5-7 p.m., International
Center, 1 University Circle.
Everyone welcome. Bicycle
Committee Meeting. Thurs. 2:00
4 Newcomb Hall.

IFC Governing Board Meeting, 6:00
Thursday evening.

Important IFC Presidents' Council
Meeting, Thursday at 7:00.

U. Va. Riding Club has a meeting
Thursday at 7 p.m. Newcomb Hall.
m. 4A. All welcome!

Meeting of all Eng. Majors Thurs.
Oct. 12 at 7:30, Wilson 301
representatives of placement office
will discuss career opportunities for
English major, graduate schools &
law schools & opportunities for
women & minorities.

University Union Fine Arts
Committee Meeting 5:00 p.m.
Thursday in Union Office. All
interested Students invited.