University of Virginia Library



Economics Seminar A.G. Hines
from M.I.T. will speak on Price and
Income Policies. 4:00 P.M. Friday,
202 Rouss Hall.

Filmwatchers Club will sponsor an
open screening of "Kwaidan."
Japanese Film Classic based on
Ghost Stories of Lafcadio Hearn,
on Monday, Nov. 22, in Wilson Hall
Auditorium at 5:00 and :00
Admission is .50.

David Elkind, "New Directions in
Learning" Fri. 10-11:30 Newcomb
Ballroom Faculty & students
Psychol., Psychiatry, Educ.

Jazz Concert—This Friday at 8:00
in the Cabell Hall Auditorium Hear
Grey Blow. Free admission.

How come we don't have a riding
club? Come to Newcomb Hall
Room 4A on Friday at 8 p.m. and
remedy the situation.

Sigma Xi Luncheon Meeting,
Friday, Nov. 19. Speaker—Dr. Ernst
Attinger, Chairman, Dept. of
Biomedical Engineering, "Health
Care Delivery."

Graduate Christian
Fellowship—Friday, Nov. 20 8:00
p.m. 206 Chaucer Rd.


Addresses Needed, Homeworkers
earn to $150. For info send 25
cents and stamped addressed
envelope to Box 12213, Gainesville,
Florida 32601.

Driving to Through, or near N.Y.C.
anytime? Need small electronics
package brought to Charlottesville.
Help with your gas. 296-4636.