University of Virginia Library


Film Union is planning a film on
pollution in C-Ville; help us! Call
Greg 293-5988.

Zeta Tau Alpha Alumnae interested
in helping Gamma Nu chapter at
U.Va. please contact Leigh Dow at

Interested in volunteer work for the
Student Council a few hours a
week? Call 924-3454.

Sociology Students needed for the
Professional Services Center of
Madison Hall. Call 924-3193.

Corks & Curls staff-remember to
return completed subscription
blanks by this Thursday.

University Union Sunday
Film-Lola-Nov 14. 7&9 p.m.
Wilson Hall Auditorium. 75 cents.

Scuba club meeting cancelled until
Nov. 18-Room 4B Newcomb Hall
at 7:30 p.m.

Society of Architectural Historians,
tour of Richmond Saturday, Nov
13, Sign up Fine Arts Library.

Big Brothers: Something for your
littles-YMCA Indian Guide group.
Call Kathy Gradel. Madison Hall.

Peace Corps and Vista
representatives Newcomb Hall on
Monday, November 15 through
Wednesday, November 17 for those
who wish to apply to the Peace
Corps and Vista.