University of Virginia Library


Ell Banana meeting, 10:00 PM SAE
House bring check books.

AED meeting 7:30 PM speaker Dr.
Joseph May. Public invited.

Women's committee meeting 7:30
PM in Tuttle lounge. All students

American Civil Liberties Union
student chapter meets 8:00 PM,
4-A Newcomb Hall. Current +
prospective members welcome.

Unicorn magazine: students
interested in working as editors
come to meeting, Newcomb Hall
8:00 PM.

Sailing class for those who
previously signed up 7:00 PM south
meeting room.

Informal discussion of the
leadership role of President
Shannon, 3:30 PM in Jefferson

Degree applicants—today is the last
day to get your portrait in the
Corks & Curls. Newcomb Hall Rm
4-B 8:30-12:00; 1:00-5:00 PM.

Young Republican Executive
Board, 7:30 Newcomb Hall
conference room. Everyone