University of Virginia Library


The Burmese Government
regularly complained about all this
activity to the United Nations, the
Taiwan government and the United
States, charging the Americans and
Taiwanese with actively supplying
and supporting the KMT, which in
turn has organized anti-government

In 1959 Burmese ground troops
seized three opium processing
plants set up by the KMT guerrillas
at Wonton; the troops also took an
airstrip the Chinese had used to fly
in reinforcements.

By February 1961 the Burmese
had pushed the KMT troops
southeast into the Thai-Burmese
and Thai-Laotian border areas,
where they now hold at least eight
village bases. Just last year a
reporter who was at Chieng Mai
Thailand, say Thai troops and
American advisors as well as
military supplies provided by the
Taiwan government.