University of Virginia Library

Girl People

Dear Sir:

It's happening again. I'm
searching for my shell of cynicism
so I can lock myself up and
complain. Why have hope? It is
crushed every time.

The University is biologically
and psychologically real this year.
Girls living near me (in the
Alderman dorms) create a stable
atmosphere. Much healthier than
last year, when female existence
became an issue frequently doubted
in my mind. Only weekends kept
my faith, yet girls were still objects,
not people. And everyone is aware
of the drooling and staring that
went on in the Reserve Book Room
of the library when a non-male grad
student dared to appear.

But this year came a girl-People.
It is very enjoyable. So why not
keep it? If a girl can use a bathroom
with a urinal, a boy can live in Mary

The arguments for upperclass
dorm coeducation (Munford and
Gwathmey included) are practical,
logical, and above all desired by a
near unanimity of the students. I
know it and almost everyone
reading this letter knows it.

But as I read the news, I want to
withdraw into cynicism. Please
don't let me this time. Let people
know how you feel—after all even
the Glass Hat and Contract
Cafeteria are doing what you never

Tom Carpenter
College 2