University of Virginia Library

Dear Sir:

If Mr. Johnson cares enough to
be informed, here is the reasoning
of the Jefferson Party candidates.
The purpose of a busing plan is to
attack student problems in the area
of transportation. The Grounds of
this University should be more
pedestrian traveled and less
automobile traveled.

This proposal would allow
students and faculty living off the
Grounds, to park at a large central
lot (i.e. U. Hall) and then be based
to class. This serves to lighten the
traffic load and to make parking a
convenience rather than a

Concerning the sub-ground
parking, as Mr. Johnson would
already know if he had done any
research, the new education school
was originally designed to include 3
levels of sub-ground parking.

We feel this plan should be
reincorporated and would strive for
the same. It is both feasible and

Scott Stephens
College 111