University of Virginia Library


ALPHA Chi Sigma meeting
Thursday. All brothers call the
house. 295-6766.

FORMER Pop Band members, if
you have any music or equipment
belonging to the Band, turn it in to
the Music Dept. 113 Old Cabell
Hall, we need it.

interested persons working for the
1971 Corks And Curls on Thursday
night at 8:00 PM in the C&C office,
5th floor, Newcomb Hall.

KARATE And Self Defense Club:
Classes will be held Mondays
9:00-10:30 And Wed. 7:30-10:30
Beginners welcome.

MAKE-UP final exam for
Psychology 19 (Mr. Schulman) to
be held Monday Oct. 5, 7-10 PM
room 111.

MAKE-UP Final exam for Biology
2 scheduled for Oct. 5, 3:00 PM in
room 65, Gilmer Hall. Contact Mr.
Diehl if unable to be present.