University of Virginia Library


SOUTH ASIA Comm. seminar
at 4 p.m. room 141 Wilson Hall.
Mrs. J. Rd will speak on "Modern
Indian History — Research in the
paper of R.A. Hume.

important election meeting at 7:30
room 15 Cocke Hall. Lecture by
Dr. B. Leavell on "Opportunities in

IMPORTANT final meeting of
John Batt Moore Society at 4:15
in room 106 Clark Hall. Judge
Dillard will speak. Public invited.

IFC itchn managers meeting
at 3:15 in South Meeting Room.

ANNUAL Art Auction and
Exhibit at School of Architecture,
auction starts tomorrow at 7 p.m.,
public invited.

CHRISTIAN Science org. meeting
at 7:30, 1961 Lewis Mt. Rd.

CAVALIER Bridge Club meeting
at 7:45 in contract cafeteria,
2nd floor Newcomb Hall.

CIRCLE K meeting at 9:30 in
room 4A Newcomb Hall. Installation
of new officers.

COMPUTER — Advanced Algol
presents "File Declarations and the
Rationale for Mass Storage Files" at
5 p.m., room B-23 Gilmer Hall.

Dozen," morality disappears in
time of stress, 7 and 9:30, Newcomb
Hall. Seventy-five cents.

MEETING of all persons interested
in working on next year's
Corks and Curls photo staff at 8
p.m. Corks & Curls office, 5th floor
Newcomb Hall.

VA. PROGRESSIVE Party convention
at 8 p.m. South Meeting
Room, Newcomb Hall. Election of
officers and nomination of student
council candidates.