The Cavalier daily Tuesday, March 3, 1970 | ||
1966 VW Squareback, radio,
heater, 35,000 miles. Good condition,
$1300. Call Robinson at Beta
House 296-7329.
MGA's 2/$500. Call 296-2340.
1967 Suzuki, X-6 Hustler
250cc. Looks and runs like new.
$450 or best offer. Tom 295-6062.
'69 GTO 350 horsepower, 4
speed, green with black vinyl top,
assume loan. Call 296-2144 day,
295-6914 nights.
Colonial Inkwell in Gleaming
Pewter plus two hand cut quill pens
gift boxed, $10. Also pens available
separately in Jefferson gift boxes,
$1 a matched pair, Lewis Glaser
Quillmaker, 109 2nd St., S.E.
downtown, dial 293-8531.
Fringed leather coats, ponchos,
chalecos, leather pants and moccasins,
Blue Jeans, Jack, stern
boots and clothing. The Saddle
Shop, 220 West Water.
Fender Vibroverb guitar amp.
15″ speaker, excellent condition,
cost $350, sell $175. Guild solid
body electric guitar, case, accessories,
excellent condition, cost
$225, sell $125, Sony 5″ portable
TV, battery and wall outlet use,
used only a few hours, cost over
$125, sell $75. 295-3308 after 6
Lost — one lady's Timex watch
between CK Steak House and
Medical School entrance. If found
call 296-8017.
Found — brown U. ring in
Memorial Gym Feb. 25. Call
924-3172 ask for Sandy.
Found — James Monroe H.S.
ring, 1969, green stone. Black key
case with various keys including
Found — 1 pair glasses in
Observatory Road parking lot,
brown. Call Bob 296-0572.
Summer in EUROPE, $199 if
you act now. June 11-Sept. 3. NYC
to London roundtrip. Call
295-0344 ask for John Sundin.
The Cavalier daily Tuesday, March 3, 1970 | ||