University of Virginia Library


AD RATES: $1 for the first 15
words per day, $0.05 each additional
al word. There is a 10% discount
for payment in advance and an
additional 10% discount for an ad
run 4 days or more. The DEADLINE
is 1 p.m. the day before the
ad is to appear.


For sale or rent: IBM Executive
model C typewriter, emerald green,
like new. During day call 924-7171,
Mrs. Mullenix, evenings 295-0705.


Needed roommates, one or two
to share 2 bedroom apartment,
furnished, walking distance to University.
Call 295-5675 after 8 p.m.

Girl dorm substitute needed.
Call 973-3616 between 7 and 9

Roommate wanted to share
modern two bedroom apartment.
Call 296-0740.


Cake decorating classes for beginners
begin the week of February
2. Morning or evening classes
available. Fee only $10. For details
and to register please call Laurie
296-2737 any day from 9 a.m.-10

Executive Restaurant and
Lounge — Breakfast special 7
a.m.-11 a.m. $0.89, 2 eggs, bacon,
toast and coffee, Luncheon buffet
11 a.m.-2 p.m. $1.25. Dinner buffet
5 p.m.-8 p.m. $1.50. Visit BILLY's
on our lower level, dining and
dancing 5 p.m.-12 p.m., popular
prices. Across from University Hall.

Student Council needs student
to take minutes (usually Tuesday
nights) next semester. 3-5 h rs. per
week, $2.00/hour. Call Mannix,
293-8098 evenings, for interview.