University of Virginia Library


Clerk/secretary, changing
career opportunity for intelligent,
math/minded girl. Good shorthand/typing
1/3, other 2/3 involves
assisting investment counselors
with technical studies, administrative
details. Chase Investment
Counsel Corp. 293-9104.

Roommate wanted. $60 a
month for own room. New air
conditioned, apartment within
walking distance of UCall

Part-time typist for the Department
of Sociology and Anthropology.
Must he an accurate and
productive typist. Call 924-3105.

Attractive female to share apartment
with experienced law student.
Call 295-9293.

Telephone survey work, part-time
3 to 6 or 6 to 9. Excellent
pay. Apply to Miss Stevens, Virginia
Land Co. Bldg. bottom floor,
U.S. 29 North.

Experienced drummer wishes to
join a working band. Call Miles at

Sophomore through graduate
students: Part time positions available
as a manager or representative
for on campus advertising, market
research, and sales promotions
programs. Call collect
301-730-4459, Columbia, Md.