University of Virginia Library


TRYOUTS for "The Elevator,"
a workshop production scheduled
for Oct. 19, will be today, 7-9 p.m.
in Minor Hall. The one-act play,
directed by Bill Thomas, calls for
three men.

LOCKERS for students, Memorial
Gym, 9 a.m. today.

ALL PETITIONS of candidates
for the post of Student Council
representative from Grad. A&S
must be in Student Council offices,
4th floor of Newcomb Hall, by
4:30 today.

DEPT. of Economics and Grad.
Eco. club present Richard Schramm
of Cornell U. speaking on "Value-added
versus Profits, Taxes, and
Exports" at 4 p.m. in Roum Hall

FREE BUS transportation to
First Baptist Church Sunday: Baptist
Student Union 10:15 a.m.,
Tuttle House parking lot 10:25,
Echols House 10:30, E-school
10:30, Mary Munford 10:40, Rotunda