University of Virginia Library


hold elections at coffee hour at 5
p.m., Graduate Lounge. All members
urged to attend.

ITALIAN table - speakers of
Italian are invited to a reunion at
the Gaslight at 7 p.m.

TODAY is the last day of
elections in the Engineering School
for two Student Council representatives
and one Judiciary representative.
Please take the time to vote.

ENGINEERING Council meeting
concerning the MacWade award
at 5 p.m., room A207 Thornton

VISTA representatives will be
here today and tomorrow from 9-4
p.m. at entrance to Cabell and 2nd
floor Newcomb Hall cafeteria area.

CHRISTIAN Science Org. meeting
at 7 p.m., 1961 Lewis Mt. Rd.
Everyone welcome.

YOUNG Democrats important
meeting at 7:30 p.m., Informal
Lounge, Newcomb Hall. Nomination
of officers. All members urged
to attend.

CAVALIER Bridge Club meeting
at 8 p.m., room next to
contract cafeteria. All bridge
players invited.

GERARD de Vaucouleurs, professor
of Astronomy at U. Texas,
will speak on "Neutral Hydrogen
and Optical Properties of Galaxies"
at NRAO at 4 p.m. Talk sponsored
by NRAO and Dept. of Astronomy,

ANTHONY Trozzollo, a basic
research chemist at Bell Tel. Lab.,
will address a chemistry colloquium
at 4 p.m. in room 304, new chem.
bldg. He will speak on "The Role of
Singlet Oxygen in Photosensitized
Oxidation." Sponsored by the
chemistry department.

"THE SATAN BUG" — a germ
capable of destroying the world.
Movie at 7 and 9, Newcomb Hall
ballroom. Fifty cents.

COMPUTERS — The Users'
Group in conjunction with the
Computer Center presents the third
in a four-lecture series on Intermediate
Algol, 5 p.m., room B23,
Gilmer Hall.

T.I.L.K.A. cocktail party at 4
p.m. Thursday in the garden of
Pavilion VIII.