University of Virginia Library


Will the person who picked up
"Special Forces in the Middle East"
by Halpern at the Stumblefoot
Thursday. Please return it at once
to 35 W. Lawn.

MEN: Roll or do your thing and let
us clean your apartment. Saturdays
and Sundays. $5 to $7.50.
973-6346 afternoons and evenings.

SILENT Magic Lantern show
GASLIGHT for dinner? night
only this week. Do not miss it!!

Vote Responsibly! Elect Gene
Webb to the Judiciary Committee.

Woodberry Forest alumni at the
University: Cocktails and dinner at
Boar's Head Club on Thursday,
May 8, 1969 at 6:00 p.m. Call
Doug Holladay at 293-5924 between