University of Virginia Library


2 hotel rooms available Dec. 13
and 14. Call Clark or Mike

Gala sale for Christmas shoppers.
All purchases over $1 20% off.
Xanadu, Xanadu, Xanadu, Xanadu.

Sip 'n Sizzle Restaurant across
from Sears. 1108, W. Main St.
Steaks from $0.99 up. Served with
baked potato, tossed salad.

College Men: If you are
interested in a well paying job and
all expenses paid travel for 10
weeks this summer, write us. We
need mature, conscientious men to
serve as marketing Representatives
in working with our distributor's
salesmen. Write Arnold Goldin, 600
Brandon Avenue, Apt. No. 30,
Ch'ville 22903.

New Art Gallery at First and
High St., downtown. Unique and
beautiful Xmas gifts. Afternoons.

Lazy Eight Flying Club, Inc.
memberships open, two aircraft,
Cessna 140 and Cessna 170, call