The Cavalier daily. Wednesday, September 18, 1968 | ||
Room for Rent 2 blocks from
U., refrigerator, maid service,
laundry facilities. $50 per month,
295-3208 after 5 p.m.
Single basement apartment in
country home. Private entrance,
private bath, small kitchen.
Available free to careful driver with
car willing to drive children to and
from school or for $45 per month.
Call Mr. Fry at 924-3401 or
Single room available 1922
Lewis Mountain Rd., $50 month, ½
half block from U. 296-5295.
Graduate students with teaching
ability needed as tutors. Good pay.
Call Peter Jansson 295-4883 after
Two coeds to be Hawaiian
waitresses at the Jaycee's Hawaiian
Village during the Barracks Road
Charity Fair—Sept. 19-20-21. Hours
flexible, costume furnished. $1.25
plus tips. Contact Bill Rice
Secretary wanted, dictation,
typing, Call 296-8960 for interview.
ROLLER Skating Supervisor, De
Recreation 296-8186.
Night Auditor: Part-time hours
11 p.m.-7 a.m. Ideal for College
student. Apply Innkeeper Holiday
Inn. R. 29 and 250.
Contact Dr. Wood, Computer
Center, Gilmer Hall. Ext. 3731.
Found: Pocket watch Thursday
12th on Route 29 at the bottom of
Monroe Hill. 296-2463 Howard
Lost: 1 pair black frame
prescription sunglasses, call Steve
Platt 296-1103
Will the gentleman who hit my
parked VW in the cemetery on
Tuesday morning please contact me
at 512 Brandon Ave., Apt. 4C to
settle this matter immediately. You
were seen and can be identified
thru the D.M.V.
study - University Pictorial Map -
qualifies with top quality. Get your
copy early - at Booksellers.
State Farm Insurance, new to
University call Albert Yancey to get
required limits for Va. and other
services, 293-3906 or 293-3870.
Republicans and Democrats:
We have a platform you can read
and understand. Write for free copy
- no obligation. The Universal
Party, P.O. 516, Berkeley,
FOR Unique Entertainment.
Charies Bailey, magician. Available
for club meetings, parties, socials.
Call 823-4160 after 6 p.m.
Lion's Club auction Sept. 21 10
a.m. at Barracks Rd. Shopping
Center. TV sets, furniture, etc.
Proceeds to charity.
Motorcycle - Matchless, 1965
G 12CSR 650 cc scrambler, new
tires, racing magneto, excellent
condition; leave message 293-7846.
67 Mercedes 250 SL, call
296-3898 after 6.
1965 VW, black: excellent
condition, must sell. Best offer, call
295-9763 after 5 p.m.
Encyclopedia Britannica, 14th
Edition, complete. Excellent
condition. $75. Phone 293-5369.
1964 Corvair Monza. Red with
black vinyl interior, 45,000 miles. 4
new tires and new battery. Looks
and runs great. Call 293-5430
Allen amp and 2 speakers boxes
one with 2 12″, 1 with 2 15″
Lansing speakers, less than 1 year
old, 293-7846.
1962 Ford Galaxy 500, $450,
old, 293-7846
Motorcycle 1967 BSA Hornet,
650 Perfect condition, $995.00
Call 293-993
Honda 305 Scrambler, 14
months old. Excellent condition.
$650 or best offer. Owner in Air
Force, 293-7088.
condition, three roomy shelves $15.
Call 295-2984.
250 cc Honda SCRAMBLER,
new paint, engine recently rebuilt.
296-8228 before 5 after 10.
66 Yamaha 250 cc, new tires,
battery and clutch, good condition,
best offer. Call Brad Van Lear
973-3371 before 4 or 973-3717
After 5.
One Splendid 9 x 12 Turquoise
wool twist jute backed carpet.
Flamboyant extravagant luxury.
Call F.O. Blechman, 35 W. Lawn,
Motorcycle 1967 BSA, $700 or
best offer. Like new, 295-2321,
801 Calhoun Street.
Purdue Tickets (2) on the 35
yd. line. Reduced price. Ed Hardy
296-3036 6-10 p.m.
1967 Pontiac Firebird,
3-on-the-floor, AM-FM radio, other
standard extras. 296-8392.
All those who advertise in this
column have signed a statement
that the facilities advertised are
ones in which any responsible
student of the University will be
allowed to reside, regardless of race,
color, religion, or national origin.
One bedroom furnished or
unfurnished apartment, Freshly
painted and decorated, 1 block
from U. Va. $100-120. Albemarle
Realty Management Co. 296-7169.
2 bedroom house, large living
room with fireplace, dining room,
sun deck. Partially finished upstairs,
large yard with trees, off Jefferson
Park near U.Va. Will consider single
students. Albemarle - Realty
Management Co. 296-7169.
The Cavalier daily. Wednesday, September 18, 1968 | ||