University of Virginia Library


Roommate to share apartment
for summer. Will have large private
bedroom. Will share kitchen
and bath with one person. 138
Madison Lane, rent by week or
month, 293-7310.

CHEAP-Roommates summer
school, air conditioned Jantricia
apartment, close to U., $30/mo.
Call Bill, 295-9957.

Student for summer farm work
including operation of machinery,
mechanical aptitude desirable,
$89 per week including meals,
contact J. B. Murray, 973-5336
(days), 973-5501 (evenings).

Engineers, interested in medicine
or biomedical engineering?
Employment in research and
technical work is available call
ext. 2374.

part time, good working conditions
in a new and high volume
Dutch Pantry Restaurant. Routes
29 and 250, phone 296-1922.

Roommate for summer to share
two bedroom garden apartment
1809 Jefferson Park Avenue, private
bedroom, air conditioned,
pool, etc., Available 2 June 68.
Call W. D. Lee, U. extension 3076
or 296-1210.

Part-time representatives:
Leading educational company
will give training without cost
and furnish leads. Phone 293-3924
for interview.

Ride wanted to New York, Friday,
May 17, will share expenses.
Call Ed. 3-8004.

4 fellow gentlemen of means
who would like to reside in Charlottesville
next year in refined
Virginia style. Call 296-6255 after