University of Virginia Library

Really Welcomed

Yet although George was openly
accepted by his student counterparts,
the University in general
still seemed to exude some type
of "welcome-but-not-welcome"
intangible, unexpressed sentiment.
For George, it seemed to be a part
of the University's vaunted tradition,
carried, most likely, by the
old guard faculty. Mr. King expressed
the fact that he was sure
that George would be happy with
the steps that the University has
taken with regards to the breakdown
of discrimination in the past

Where are other George Kings?
Wrestling Coach Mike Caruso may
have come the closest to the finding
of one in one Herb Campbell,
an outstanding Negro wrestler
and high school senior who
considered Virginia this fall. His
mother overruled his interest however:
she did not want her son to
go to college in the South. Caruso
commented, "How could I argue
with her?"