University of Virginia Library


Half-time secretary-stenographer
position for semi-executive
work with Virginia Asian Studies
Consortium. Knowledge of Academic
organization and function
and some managerial skill needed.
Phone ext. 3359.

WANTED: Graduate student to
share brand new furnished one
bedroom apartment. About $95/
month including utilities. Call
Stan Kelly, 293-2112, evenings.

Student's wife wanted for full-time
or part-time employment in
selling better ready-to-wear and
sports wear in William's new Suburban
Shop, Barracks Road. Experience
preferred. Apply in person,
Personnel Office, Downtown,
C. H. Williams, Inc.

Ride needed for date—going to
Newark, N.J. or nearby, Sunday,
Oct. 15, (Homecoming). Call Kevin
Faughnan, 293-6291.

of earning pennies per hour in
drudgery part time jobs. If you
are willing to learn and want or
need real money, contact Gaybrook
Farms Food Service, 2964137.
Spunky and articulate undergraduate
students will also be
considered. Ivory tower types
need not apply.

Personable wife of student to
work in Red Lion Gift Shop at
Barracks Road Shopping Center.
See Mr. Page, 296-4089.