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The following resolution was adopted:

WHEREAS we have heard with sorrow of the death of our former colleague and fellow Visitor,
Norborne Berkeley, on 26 May 1964,

WHEREAS in 1955 when the decision was made to add out-of-state members to the Board of
Visitors, "Bunny" Berkeley was one of the three first chosen for this honor from among the
out-of-state alumni,

WHEREAS from 1955 until his retirement from the Board in 1963, he threw himself into the
work of the Visitors with characteristic vigor and unstinting devotion, acting always for the
best interests of his beloved University, and making outstanding contributions, most notably
as a member of the Executive Committee and, in 1958-1959, as a member of the Committee on the
Nomination of a President,

WHEREAS his passing throws a dark shadow across our Annual Meeting because we were devoted
to him and indebted to him as a good friend and a wise counselor, and

WHEREAS his great spirit and unfailing good humor made life much happier for all who knew

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that
we record in the minutes of the Board our deep sense of corporate and personal loss in the
death of Norborne Berkeley, and direct the Secretary to send copies of this resolution and convey
our profound sympathy to his son, his daughter, his sister, and his brother.