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"Noh", or, Accomplishment :

a study of the classical stage of Japan

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Page 177


A Play in one Act, by Motokiyo


    Shite, Kagekiyo

  • old and blind.
  • Tsure,

  • a girl, his daughter, called Hitomaru.
  • Tomo,

  • her attendant.
  • Waki,

  • a villager.

The scene is in Hiuga.

Girl and Attendant

What should it be; the body of dew, wholly
at the mercy of wind?

I am a girl named Hitomaru from the river valley Kamegaye-ga-Yatsu,
My father, Akushichi-bioye Kagekiyo,
Fought by the side of Heike,
And is therefore hated by Genji.
He was banished to Miyazaki in Hiuga,
To waste out the end of his life.


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Though I am unaccustomed to travel,
I will try to go to my father.

Girl and Attendant
(describing the journey as they walk
across the bridge and the stage
Sleeping with the grass for our pillow,
The dew has covered our sleeves. [Singing.

Of whom shall I ask my way
As I go out from Sagami province?
Of whom in Totomi?
I crossed the bay in a small hired boat
And came to Yatsuhashi in Mikawa;
Ah, when shall I see the City-on-the-cloud?


As we have come so fast, we are now in
Miyazaki of Hiuga.

It is here you should ask for your father.

(in another corner of the stage)

Sitting at the gate of the pine wood I wear
out the end of my years. I cannot see the clear
light, I do not know how the time passes. I
sit here in this dark hovel, with one coat for


Page 179
the warm and the cold, and my body is but a
framework of bones.


May as well be a priest with black sleeves.
Now having left the world in sorrow, I look
upon my withered shape. There is no one
to pity me now.


Surely no one can live in that ruin, and yet
a voice sounds from it. A beggar, perhaps.
Let us take a few steps and see.


My eyes will not show it me, yet the autumn
wind is upon us.


The wind blows from an unknown past,
and spreads our doubts through the world.
The wind blows, and I have no rest, nor any
place to find quiet.


Neither in the world of passion, nor in the
world of colour, nor in the world of non-colour,
is there any such place of rest; beneath
the one sky are they all. Whom shall I ask,
and how answer?


Page 180

Shall I ask the old man by the thatch?


Who are you?


Where does the exile live?


What exile?


One who is called Akushichi-bioye Kagekiyo,
a noble who fought with Heike.


Indeed? I have heard of him, but I am
blind, I have not looked in his face. I have
heard of his wretched condition and pity him.
You had better ask for him at the next place.

(to girl)

It seems that he is not here, shall we ask

[They pass on.


Strange, I feel that woman who has just
passed is the child of that blind man. Long


Page 181
ago I loved a courtesan in Atsuta, one time
when I was in that place. But I thought our
girl-child would be no use to us, and I left
her with the head man in the valley of Kamegaye-ga-yatsu;
and now she has gone by me
and spoken, although she does not know who
I am.

Although I have heard her voice,
The pity is, that I cannot see her.
And I have let her go by
Without divulging my name.
This is the true love of a father.

(at further side of the stage)

Is there any native about?


What do you want with me?


Do you know where the exile lives?


What exile is it you want?


Akushichi-bioye Kagekiyo, a noble of
Heike's party.


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Did not you pass an old man under the edge
of the mountain as you were coming that way ?


A blind beggar in a thatched cottage.


That fellow was Kagekiyo. What ails the
lady, she shivers ?


A question you might well ask, she is the
exile's daughter. She wanted to see her father
once more, and so came hither to seek him.
Will you take us to Kagekiyo ?


Bless my soul! Kagekiyo's daughter.
Come, come, never mind, young miss. Now
I will tell you, Kagekiyo went blind in both
eyes, and so he shaved his crown and called
himself "The blind man of Hiuga." He begs
a bit from the passers, and the likes of us keep
him; he'd be ashamed to tell you his name.
However, I'll come along with you, and then
I'll call out, "Kagekiyo!" and if he comes,
you can see him and have a word with him.
Let us along. (They cross the stage, and the


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villager calls)
Kagekiyo! Oh, there, Kagekiyo!


Noise, noise! Some one came from my
home to call me, but I sent them on. I
couldn't be seen like this. Tears like the
thousand lines in a rain storm, bitter tears
soften my sleeve. Ten thousand things rise
in a dream, and I wake in this hovel, wretched,
just a nothing in the wide world. How can I
answer when they call me by my right name?


Do not call out the name he had in his
glory. You will move the bad blood in his
heart. (Then, taking up Kagekiyo's thought)

I am angry.


Living here . . .

(going on with Kagekiyo's thought)

I go on living here, hated by the people
in power. A blind man without his staff. I
am deformed, and therefore speak evil; excuse


My eyes are darkened.


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Though my eyes are dark I understand the
thoughts of another. I understand at a word.
The wind comes down from the pine trees on
the mountain, and snow comes down after the
wind. The dream tells of my glory. I am
loath to wake from the dream. I hear the
waves running in the evening tide, as when I
was with Heike. Shall I act out the old

(to the villager)

I had a weight on my mind, I spoke to you
very harshly; excuse me.


You're always like that, never mind it.
Has any one been here to see you?


No one but you.


Go on! That is not true. Your daughter
was here. Why couldn't you tell her the
truth, she being so sad and so eager? I have
brought her back now. Come now, speak
with your father. Come along.


Page 185

Oh, Oh, I came such a long journey, under
rain, under wind, wet with dew, over the
frost; you do not see into my heart. It
seems that a father's love goes when the child
is not worth it.


I meant to keep it concealed, but now they
have found it all out. I shall brench you with
the dew of my shame, you who are young as
a flower. I tell you my name, and that we
are father and child, yet I thought this would
put dishonour upon you, and therefore I let
you pass. Do not hold it against me.


At first I was angry that my friends would
no longer come near me. But now I have
come to a time when I could not believe that
even a child of my own would seek me out.

Upon all the boats of the men of Heike's faction
Kagekiyo was the fighter most in call,
Brave were his men, cunning sailors,
And now even the leader
Is worn out and dull as a horse.


Page 186
(to Kagekiyo)

Many a fine thing is gone, sir, your daughter
would like to ask you. . . .


What is it?


She has heard of your fame from the old
days. Would you tell her the ballad?


Towards the end of the third month, it was
in the third year of Juei. We men of Heike
were in ships, the men of Genji were on land.
Their war-tents stretched on the shore. We
awaited decision. And Noto-no-Kami Noritsune
said: "Last year in the hills of Harima,
and in Midzushima, and in Hiyodorigoye of
Bitchiu, we were defeated time and again, for
Yoshitsune is tactful and cunning. Is there
any way we can beat them?" Kagekiyo
thought in his mind: "This Hangan Yoshitsune
is neither god nor a devil, at the risk of
my life I might do it." So he took leave of
Noritsune and led a party against the shore,
and all the men of Genji rushed on them.


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Kagekiyo cried, "You are haughty." His
armour caught every turn of the sun. He
drove them four ways before them.

(excited and crying out)

Samoshiya! Run, cowards!


He thought, how easy this killing. He
rushed with his spear-haft gripped under his
arm. He cried out, "I am Kagekiyo of the
Heike." He rushed on to take them. He
pierced through the helmet vizards of Miyonoya.
Miyonoya fled twice, and again; and
Kagekiyo cried: "You shall not escape me!"
He leaped and wrenched off his helmet.
"Eya!" The vizard broke and remained
in his hand and Miyonoya still fled afar, and
afar, and he looked back crying in terror,
"How terrible, how heavy your arm!" And
Kagekiyo called at him, "How tough the shaft
of your neck is!" And they both laughed
out over the battle, and went off each his own


These were the deeds of old, but oh, to tell
them! to be telling them over now in his


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wretched condition. His life in the world is
weary, he is near the end of his course. "Go
back," he would say to his daughter. "Pray
for me when I am gone from the world, for
I shall then count upon you as we count on
a lamp in the darkness . . . we who are blind."
"I will stay," she said. Then she obeyed
him, and only one voice is left.

We tell this for the remembrance. Thus
were the parent and child.