University of Virginia Library


When Lilacs last in the door-yard bloom'd......... 
Race of Veterans..................................  12 
O Captain! my Captain!............................  13 
Spirit whose work is done.........................  14 
Chanting the Square Deific........................  15 
I heard you, solemn sweet pipes of the Organ......  17 
Not my Enemies ever invade me.....................  17 
O me! O life!.....................................  18 
Ah poverties, wincings, and sulky retreats........  18 
As I lay with my head in your lap, Camerado.......  19 
This day, O Soul..................................  19 
In clouds descending, in midnight sleep...........  20 
An Army on the march..............................  20 
Dirge for Two Veterans............................  21 
How solemn, as one by one.........................  22 
Lo! Victress on the Peaks!........................  23 
Reconciliation....................................  23 
To the leaven'd Soil they trod....................  24 
