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The early poems of John Clare

1804-1822: General editor Eric Robinson: Edited by Eric Robinson and David Powell: Associate editor Margaret Grainger

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[Winter winds cold & blea]

Winter winds cold & blea
Chilly blows oer the lea
Wander not out to me
Jenny so fair
Wait in thy cottage free
I will be there
Wait in thy cushiond chair
Wi thy white bosom bare
Kisses are sweetest there
Leave it for me
F[r]ee from the chilly air
I will meet thee


How sweet can courting prove
How can I kiss my love
Muffld i' hat & glove
From the chill air
Quaking beneath the grove
What love is there
Lay by thy woolen vest
Rap no cloak oer thy breast
There my hand oft hath prest
Pin nothing there
There my head drops to rest
Leave its bed bare
Curl thy sweet auburn [h]air
Keep thy sweet bosom bare
Kisses are sweetest there
Love leave it free
Be the night foul or fair
Ill be wi thee
When thy friends go to sleep
Down from thy chamber creep
Fall the snow ere so deep
Chill be the air
Love will his promise keep
I will be there
When the latch gis a tink
Who it is ye may think
Wi no feard fancys shrink
Undo the door
Or at the window blink
Then yell be sure


Shut from the chilly air
To thee Ill hitch my chair
Snudgd on thy bosom bare
Lost in thy charms
O how Ill revel there
Rapt in thy arms