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All the workes of Iohn Taylor the Water-Poet

Being Sixty and three in Number. Collected into one Volume by the Author [i.e. John Taylor]: With sundry new Additions, corrected, reuised, and newly Imprinted

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These Kings following were of the West Saxons.

104. Athelstane reigned 15. yeeres. 905.

This King did tame the Welsh, the Danes subdu'd,
He conquered Scotland and the Marches rude:
The Danish Gyant Colebrand in Hyde-meads,
By Guy the Earle of Warwick was struck dead.

105. Edmund. 940. 106. Eldred. 640

Edmund , reign'd next his brother Athelstane,
And after fiue yeeres was vntimely slaine:
Nine yeeres was Eldred Englands King instil'd,
Th'insulting Danes, he from this Realme exilde.

107. Edwin. 955. 108. Edgar. 959.

Then Edwin (as his right) obtain'd the Crowne,
For Rape, and brutish Lust he was put downe.
His brother Edgar a man iust and wise,
By Edwins fall, vnto the Throne did rise.
The Church and Commoweale (long time deform'd)
He by his Iustice and good Lawes reform'd.
Raign'd sixteen yeeres, and then by death assail'd,
As he had liu'd belou'd, he dy'd bewail'd.

109 Edward. 975. 110 Etheldred. 978.

Edward was slain by his accurst Stepmother,
Ayded by Etheldred his cruell brother.


This Etheldred caus'd all the Danes be slaine:
And dyed the thirty eightth yeere of his raigne.

111 Edmond Ironside. 1016.

The Danes came to reuenge with sword and fire,
Both Kings to Combat single did desire:
On equall termes, their valours both were tride,
In loue the Realme betwixt them they deuide.

112 Canutus. 1018.

This mighty Danish King foure Kingdomes hold,
Danes, Norway, England, Scotland he compeld,
Taxes and toles he rais'd in England here,
And dyed when he had gouern'd twenty yeere.

113 Harold. 1038. 114 Hardicanutus. 1041.

Harold from England did exile his Mother,
And kild Allured his King and his Brother:
Hardianutus then the Crowne obtain'd,
Who quaffing died, when he 3. yeeres had raign'd.

115. Saint Edward. 1043. 116. Harold the second. 1066.

Saint Edward from the Danes this Kingdom freed,
And for he had no Heyre, he heere decreed,
That William Duke of Normandy should be
Next King, but Harold seeming to agree,
Assoone as Edward was laid in his Toombe,
This hasty Harold mounted in his roome,
But William came from Normandy amaine,
By whom King Harold was vnking'd and slaine.
The end of the first part.