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My Muse acts by a Glass of Speculation,
VVhereto applying, what my Observation
Laies hold on, I do otherwhile fore-see
Some things, which either may, or may not be,
As that shall be omitted or fulfill'd
VVhich is by GOD, conditionally will'd.
Enthusiasms, I know, most men contemn;
No further therefore, I pretend to them
Than POETS may; though in all Generations
GOD may, and doth vouchsafe both Revelations
And Visions too (for ought yet known to mee)
VVhich may to us Premonitory be:
Since, frequently, prenotions I have had
(By some Impressions on my spirit made)
Of what ensu'd, which I could not have known
By any Light, or Virtue of mine own.