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[The servant faithful once and wise]

But and if that evil servant shall say, &c. —xxiv. 48, 49.

The servant faithful once and wise
Who forfeits all his faith and grace,
A fool in heart, his God denies,
If Christ his punishment delays,
And fearless of the' apostate's doom
The Judge, he cries, will never come.
As lord he o'er his fellows reigns,
With violence and oppressive power,
His proud authority maintains,
(As ravenous wolves the flock devour,)


Compels his equals to submit
And treads the weak beneath his feet.
Companion to the world he lives,
The wealthy glutton's constant guest,
His jests profane with smiles receives,
And graces every drunken feast:
And thus for precious souls he cares,
And thus for his account prepares!